Imagination Fueled is a production house creating original content to inspire change.

Back B4 Dinner..

Back in our day, we spent our free time playing outside with our friends until sundown. Today we want to tap back into that magic and sense of imagination. At Back B4 Dinner we create extraordinary outdoor games that will bring together a few friends or the entire neighborhood. The mission behind our series is to provide exciting new games that will get kids back outside with their friends. Some of our games are a twist on classics that you may know and others are new games fueled by our imagination. Our team will go over the rules with you before the competition begins! We look forward to seeing you play our original games and the creativity it sparks as you make them your own. We had as much fun creating these games as we hope you will have playing them. Have FUN but please be... "Back Before Dinner".

We put together a video explaining our mission in more detail along with what to expect from our videos. Find that at the bottom of this page.

Latest Games


Founded by Tyler Reed and Brandon Donker. Back B4 Dinner is just the beginning for this duo.

Contact for more info.