Inside The Game #1

Welcome to our new companion piece to Back B4 Dinner!!

INSIDE THE GAME allows us to take a look back at our original games. Giving insight into what inspired the creation of the game. While also sharing bonus behind the scenes stories you won’t find anywhere else!
— Back B4 Dinner

If you’ve been living under a rock and don’t know what “Back B4 Dinner” is you should do that first HERE and make sure you watch the episode before reading further! Thanks :)

We’ve been on a wild ride now, and we kept thinking it would be fun to revisit our games somehow. To take a step back and appreciate each game that we spent soooo much time developing, shooting and editing before clicking upload to YouTube. The fun we had playing each game even after the cameras stopped rolling to all the bloopers where laughter commenced. So without further ado here is Inside The Game of..


What inspired this game and why did you create it?

Brandon : I used to play soccer golf over 20 years ago as a kid with my brother and friends, before it was a little more well-known like it is today. However, a couple years ago, my brother decided to do something a little different for his birthday that year and put together a fun-filled day of activities for everyone. So, him and I created multiple games together for everyone to play at the outing that day and this was one that he had brought to the table. It uses a similar format to those soccer golf competitions we used to have together many years back but adds in multiple sport items that you have to use to complete the course, so it’s entertaining for all sports lovers.

Tyler : We later found out that his inspiration for the game stemmed from a similar game that the guys over at Dude Perfect had played on an actual golf course. We took the structure of the game and made a few tweaks but mostly wanted to show the game could be more accessible for kids. Brandon and I gathered all our sports equipment we had lying around and found a big open park to create a course. A local park was the perfect location for this type of game because we learned the natural environment combined with park objects (jungle gyms, benches, swings, etc.) provided obstacles throughout the hole. Thus giving us many different ways to set up our course and altering it to play another.

What happened to the kid actors!?

Tyler : The original concept of our series was something like “behind the sidelines”. We envisioned an important piece of our show to be kids working as broadcasters. They would be narrating our original games while providing humor that they could be playing way better than us 30 year olds.

As you saw in our first episode that’s exactly how we delivered the game. But when it was time to film episode 2 those famed child actors (AKA nephews in our family) were no where to be found as they moved out of state. We still wonder to this day if it was because of the scratchy wigs and mustaches we had them wear.

Favorite part of the game?

Brandon : I love how this game exposes players’ strengths and weaknesses. Some players are at least somewhat proficient in all sports, so they have a pretty well-rounded approach to the game. Some players have an advantage in a particular sport over the rest of the field so they might push out ahead at first, but then their weaker sports hold them back later and the field catches up. Strategy is an important part of this game. Just like golf, you use certain clubs to give you the highest level of effectiveness in certain situations. This game is the same. You can only use each item once until you’ve gone through them all, so you need to map out the order and situations in which you use them.

Favorite sport in your bag? Least favorite?

Tyler : Growing up I played ice hockey so having that sport in the bag was very important to me. Situationally I should have used that sport a little earlier than I did. But I knew when it was time for Brandon to use hockey, I’d be able to make up some ground. Least Favorite? Wow, I did not know how hard it was to hit a volleyball straight and for distance!

Brandon : I’ve always enjoyed playing pretty much any sport out there, but soccer was where I spent the most time. I had a feeling that would be where my strength would lie in this game, as I can kick a ball further than I can throw one, curve it around objects and usually be fairly accurate with my short game. So, I liked using the soccer ball in most situations. Least Favorite? As I’m sure you can tell by my terrible form, hockey was probably my least favorite, and least effective! Not easy to hit a ball with hockey stick on grass. Tyler definitely had a leg up there.

Was the “Every Sport” series planned?

Tyler : Definitely not! We struggled so much just naming the episode. As we began filming the next couple episodes, “Every Sport” ideas kept coming up in conversation as we played.

Brandon : Exactly! The idea sort of started evolving after the success of this game. We realized there was a lot more applications for using multiple sports items that would make a lot of games we know today way more interesting.

Did anything go wrong during the filming?

Tyler : The only thing that happened was our camera died after the first hole so we weren’t able to film the other 17 holes we could’ve played lol. We actually had to go back another day and shoot b-roll of the location for the final video.

Brandon : That, and we happened to choose a park that doubled as a beautiful, natural bird sanctuary, so we constantly had to try to avoid stepping in their…contributions to the earth.

Tell us the Blooper stories!

Brandon : I wish I could tell you Tyler fell in the water while trying to throw a football but that didn’t happen. He did almost hit a lady with a football though. To be fair, she was in the field of play...

Tyler : Thanks for the reminder! The funniest thing was definitely filming your nephews and making your brother dress up and go do some extreme stunts in the background. The kids got so camera shy when the cameras were rolling. A simple task we thought it would be. Footage of two kids talking where the audio was to be cut and ours dubbed in. They were so shy that we couldn’t get them to talk for an extended period of time. Finally their mom came in to save the day. She orchestrated her kids in song and the footage was birthed. So, the funny thing is when you rewatch their incredible scene, the “talking” bit is actually them singing.

Could there be a sequel? If so what could we expect?

Tyler : There will be a sequel in the future! Different sports can be incorporated with a few of the ones we used returning. But the part we really want to switch up for the next outing is using a new location that is much smaller. More obstacles and tighter windows to shoot between will result in some hilarious moments.

Thanks for Reading :)

Game 2 Next


Game 2 Next 〰️


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